Gear lock controlled by a smartphone!


Gear lock controlled by a smartphone!

For years the highest efficiency of vehicle security and customer comfort have been the main goal for Bear-Lock. Therefore, to meet your expectations, we have designed and constructed a completely new, revolutionary anti-theft protection!
This is a smartphone controlled transmission lock called E-JOYLOCK.


Protection for cars with electronically controlled gear lever

Technological progress in recent years and the introduction on the market cars with electronically controlled gearshift is another step into the future. We also do not slow down and we took the challenge. As a result, there has been created  a completely new security system.

What is E-JOYLOCK?

E-JOYLOCK is an innovative anti-theft protection system designed for the latest car models using shift-by-wire technology. Locking the gearbox is done by using a special application on the phone.

Even with an unauthorized attempt to start the car, the transmission is still inactive. Its activation is only possible after pairing the car with the phone.

If you value comfort and safety, smartphone-controlled security system is the perfect solution for you!

This is a product that will revolutionize the car security market!

What is E-JOYLOCK?


- perfect protection for both internal combustion and fully electric cars equipped with shift-by-wire technology
- complete car protection against theft even after unauthorized attempt to start the engine
- comfortable lock controlled by the application on the phone
- innovative solution, first and only such device on the market
- resistant to theft on so-called suitcase
- assembly possible only at authorized services
- one-time installation cost of the security system
- assembly of the device without the risk of losing the warranty, as the protection does not interfere with the car electronics
- one-time and easy device configuration

Comfortable lock controlled by the application on the phone

How to unlock and lock the gearbox with E-JOYLOCK?

- With the E-JOYLOCK application installed and the bluetooth function enabled, the lock will be automatically unlocked when the vehicle ignition is on.

- Start the car engine.

- Start the run and hit the road!

How to unlock and lock the gearbox with E-JOYLOCK?

Check where you can install our systems

Available for
more than 60 brands

The Bear-Lock blockade can be successfully installed in most brand of cars. The biggest car manufacturers confirm the effectiveness of blockade and recommend it as one of the most effective solutions for anti-theft protection.

See the gallery
of realization

Meet our advantages

99% of effectiveness
theft protection

The best quality
confirmed certifikate

Safe installation
and aesthetic appearance

Polish product
appreciated in the world

Customers about us

I have been equipping all my cars in gear blockade Bear Lock for many years. This solution has not disappointed me yet!

Łukasz Siedlarek

First and foremost, gear blockade Bear Lock provides me with a sense of security. I am always sure I will find my car in a place where I parked it.

Marcin Jaworski

Dlaczego zdecydowałem się akurat na blokady od Niedźwiedź-Lock? Ze względu na ich wysoką skuteczność, najlepszą jakość wykonania
oraz wygodę użytkowania.

Robert Borowski

W przeciwieństwie do zawodnych i awaryjnych zabezpieczeń elektronicznych, blokada skrzyni biegów Niedźwiedź-Lock jest niezastąpiona w każdej sytuacji i w każdym samochodzie.

Kacper Huczko

W opinii naszych klientów blokady "Niedźwiedź-Lock" są bardzo skutecznym zabezpieczeniem przed kradzieżą samochodu. Blokady cechują się niską cena, bardzo prostą obsługą i estetycznym wyglądem.

Mirosław Hampelski
Ewa Szpot Sp. z o.o.

Wśród wielu rozwiązań dostępnych na rynku, produkty Niedźwiedź-Lock wyróżniają się skutecznością i wysoką jakością. Demontaż możliwy jest jedynie w profesjonalnym warsztacie.

Waldemar Dudziak
Pol-Car Dealer

Od wielu lat nasz serwis montuje popularne Niedźwiadki. Z reguły osoby, które raz zdecydowały się na zakup blokady, instalują to rozwiązanie w kolejnych, nowo zakupionych pojazdach.

Marcin Wolak
Autoryzowany Salon i Serwis ŠKODA Auto nr 035

Blokady od „Niedźwiedź-Lock” są najczęściej wybieranym
przez naszych klientów, zabezpieczeniem mechanicznym samochodów.


Miłosz Kaczmarek
Toyota-Service R.Fietz

Pierwszą blokadę Niedźwiedź-Lock zamontowałam w swoim aucie w 1996 r.. Od tej pory wiem, że to jedyne rozwiązanie w kwestii zabezpieczenia auta. Zapomniałam, czym jest niepokój przed złodziejem.

Małgorzata Rosa